Chris Stancich
Advisor | |
Phone | 253.566.5209 |
Office | Bldg. 7 Rm: 128 |
Dept. | Advising |
Hometown (City, State) or (City, Country)
Gig Harbor, WA
Gender / Gender-Neutral Pronouns
What day(s) of the week are you available?
Monday - Friday
Post-Secondary Degree
BA, University of Puget Sound, 1981
Ask me about additional support with ...
Adult / Non-Traditional Students; Student Engagement & Organziations; Tutoring; The
Writing Center; The Library & Research; Assessment Testing; Recruitment, and Admission;
Fine Arts & Performing Arts; Faculty Advising
TCC Employee since
Advisor Headline
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"--Nelson
About Me
I began my relationship with TCC as a student, and after earning my BA, came to work
here as a staff writer. After a few years it became clear that working with students
was more rewarding (and fun). My other life is writing if you'd like to
get swept up in a conversation about writing or the theater, I'm easily tempted.
What do you enjoy most about academic advising?
There's a lot to love about advising students. If I had to pick a's
helping students who have a goal but not a starting point realize there actually is
a place to start--that starting is something they can do.
Favorite Place in Tacoma
The Loose Wheel of 6th Ave.
What makes TCC Special? (Why TCC?)
I've been around forever, and what makes the college special now is what has always
made it special: the people.
One thing about TCC you should know?
The campus was designed by an architect from California who apparently didn't understand
that it rains here for 8th months in the year. So, if you were wondering about the
advisability of an umbrella, well...
Most memorable course or experience in college. What made it memorable for you?
My memories of college are marked by professors--some who engaged me, some who inspired,
some who mentored...and some who became life-long friends.